Rigoletto Opera Analysis Essay
Gruesome, gritty, and disturbing don’t give justice to what Rigoletto truly is. The mind only can wonder when presented with a plot based around adultery, murder, and fallacies. The opera was first performed in 1832 and was immediately banned and declared “immoral” by the French government due to the portrayal of the monarch (Schwarm & Cantoni). The ban was well within reason due to the time period in which it was first written. Additionally, when first viewed, it can be compared quite similarly to Romeo and Juliet which has aroused controversy in the past. When I first watched the opera, it was rather confusing due to the language barrier. There were no translations or captions so I had to rely heavily upon the acting and character portrayals. That being said, once I figured out the characters, protagonists and antagonists, it was easy to follow. I discovered a few things while watching the opera for the second and third times that I had missed when I first viewed it. First,...