Raul Cuero & Creativity

At first glance, Raul Cuero appears to be rather tall, awkward man who doesn't seem like much. However, this was his exact inspiration to become a well-regarded scientist and inventor.
Cuero wasn't born into wealth or education. He wasn't given the privilege that many others take for granted, and for that reason, he decided that he wanted to be different from what everyone expected of him. He started being creative at a very young age due to the fact that he had no toys growing up. Cuero recounts that his first experience using his hands and being creative was with his observations with the roaches.
The roaches were a product of his environment and rather than exterminating the stimulants, he embraced them and studied them. This, in turn, forced him to make observations that would be used to further his education and his life experiences. Personally, this was a moment in the documentary that raised goosebumps. The fact that he had no toys or anything to play with but the products of poverty was truly heartbreaking; However, since that was all he had known, Cuero did not complain but rather benefited from it.
Later in the video, Cuero discusses the concept of the "process". Without directly saying it, he explains how scientists, inventors, and anyone who is in the creative field must keep trying after failing. "Creativity comes in a stepwise process. You can't plan creativity...never allow for the results of the creation to be the motive for you to do anything," said Cuero. I think this quote means a couple things. First, you must trust the process of creating, failing, learning, and creating again. Failures are the soil for blooming ideas. Second, do not create for the benefits of being recognized or the money. Do it because it's something you want to do and something you are inspired to do.
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