Electronic Technology Essay

New Technologies

Improving technology has been the driving passion for numerous industries throughout the 21st century. The Nintendo corporation has been at the forefront of the gaming industry for decades since the invention of the Super Nintendo in the early ’90s. Their most popular invention is arguably the Nintendo Wii which was released on November 19, 2006. The Nintendo Wii broke gaming barriers with its unique user intractability. Rather than a generic gaming controller with its limited capabilities, Nintendo created a rectangular controller with finite button options. The key function to the controller was the movable cursor and its virtual reality feature. Before, games were limited to a user controlling everything with just their fingers. The Wii revolutionized the industry by forcing the player to move and interact with the game. Games that were featured and blew up the market were “Wii Sports” and “Wii Fit”. Interactive sports games that could be played indoors with friends were the fad for close to ten years. The inspiration for the Nintendo Wii came from a few different sources. The first was the Nintendo Gamecube, which was invented by the Wii creator, Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto claimed that he was trying to create games that didn’t cater to the hardcore gamer, but games that were simple (Kalning). In addition, the Nintendo Wii was allegedly inspired by the Nintendo DS also with its stylus interaction according to Miyamoto.

The influences that have been based around the Wii are endless and are even seen today in only glimpses of their full potential. To begin, virtual reality (VR) has been a hot topic in the past few years and rising popularity each day. The abilities that VR has are truly endless. From pure gaming, interactive training, and even life simulations, VR has changed the technology field. The inspiration from the Wii can be seen through not only the interactions between user and gam, but also the joystick and controller being used. Similar to the Wii, the controllers for most VR consoles are simple and used to point and move around rather than control the entire game. Additionally, it requires the player to interact with the “game” but to a level that the Wii couldn’t. It does this by adding a headset with a different level of vision. Expanding on this idea of interactive games and virtual reality, in futur,e the games children of 2050 will be dramatically different from what is being released currently. An idea that could potentially be feasible would be including more senses into the VR experience. Sight and sound are only the tip of the iceberg. If there were an experience that included touch and having the user feel the pain from being injured in game, the developments from that alone would be incredible. In addition, even further into the future by having the user full immersed into the virtual environment with brain and spinal connections. This could not only lead to more intense games, but developments into the medical field as well. VR already helps train surgeons through “games” and developments that put them in high stakes situations without adding a life threatening situations. Using this idea, potentially down the road the creation of a robot who is able to surgery but controlled by a surgeon five hundred miles away could provide critical medical care to individuals unable to travel to get the help they need. Technology has flourished in the past two decades more than anyone ever thought, and only time will tell what comes next.  

Work Cited

Kalning, Kristin. “Meet the Man behind the Wii.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group,

17 July 2008, www.nbcnews.com/id/25710005/ns/technology_and_science-games/t/meet-man-behind-wii/#.XHyo04hKjIU.


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