
Dubstep: When I think of Dubstep or the founders of Dubstep, instantly Skrillex comes to mind. He and many others pioneered the modern take on Dubstep. His music is the emphasis of electronic and technology mixing with music. The heavy use of mixing and electronic noises classifies him as a dubstep artist.

Punk: The band that defined punk is Blink-182. Hands down. If you want a "fuck you society" listen to their early tracks before they became more mainstream and they helped pave the way for the new post-punk era too. From "Dammit" to "First Date" they were the band to listen to if you wanted to break norms. Music interacts with technology by increasing distortion and creating the punk feel.

Girl Power: A lesser known band but powerful nonetheless, Tonight Alive is lead by female lead singer Jenna McDougal. With a more of a punk rock feel, the band is for sure girl power. She is one of many powerful singers to enter the rock scene as a female and kill it. The technology used is mainly in her harder songs with sound editing.

Latin: Arguably the most popular Latin artist, Daddy Yankee is a notorious Latin rap/hip-hop phenom. From the Reggaeton style of hip-hop, Yankee uses mixes generated on the computer with a combination of auto-tune to create the billboard topping hits.

The nineties: One name, Kurt Cobain. When anyone thinks of the nineties, Nirvana better comes to mind. The most popular nineties band ripped the billboard charts apart and also helped pave the way for future bands to use similar video techniques. Technology and music interact with their music videos. After effects and editing software helped them create one of a kind masterpieces.


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